Re-enactment & LARP Equipment, Clothing & Accessories
Quality, historically accurate supplies, brought to you by decades of experience in the Re-enactment community and history research. Our products range from across the globe and span hundreds of years. Whatever your event, we will have something for you!
We have a wide range of products from over 10 different countries around the world, including historically accurate uniforms and accessories from Sweden, UK, Germany and the USA.
With our extensive network of historian contacts, we can source almost anything you require and you can be confident it will be historically accurate and of the highest quality.
Visit our store now to shop replica and antiquities – or if there’s something we don’t have that you want, please contact us to discuss!
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Latest News & Updates
- Mundering för en Karolinsk Pikenerare åren 1700-21
- Nerke-Wermlands regementes munderingar under Karl XII
- Mundering för det karolinska kavalleriet 1700-21
- Bohus dragonskvadron år 1712-19
- Den Karolinska Officersuniformen 1700-21
Our Latest Products
Mainspring vise reproduction520kr
Ramrod universal 44 inch 112 cm520kr
Ramrod Brown Bess 46 inch520kr
Ramrod Brown Bess 42 inch520kr
Ramrod Brown Bess 39 inch520kr
Ramrod Brown Bess 26 inch520kr
Swedish kepi 1865-991,450kr
Swedish kepi 1865-991,450kr
Soldiers shoebuckle 18th century350kr
Luntbetäckare Fuseholder390kr
Winter glovesOriginal price was: 999kr.350krCurrent price is: 350kr.
Water Canteen Stainless Steel550kr
Capeline for hat m/10550kr
Capeline hat (Kaplin till karolinerhatt)1,050kr – 1,150kr
Swedish skicap m/19411,050kr
Skicap for Swedish volunteer corp1,050kr